'The Las Vegas' experience is one way to describe Orange County, they
have this peculiar blend of the sublime and the ridiculous.
Power-country-pop best describes our music, which is laced with influences such as Jimmi Hendrix,The Jam, Stray Cats, Beatles, Johnnys, Radio Birdman, Trilobites and Psychotic Turnbuckles.
These bands made us realise that there was loads of energy and colour behind live music.
Orange County has been together for over four years. Playing over a hundred gigs in the city and northern beaches of Sydney. Tours to Jindabyne, Newcastle and surrounding areas. Playing with the likes of The Living End, Nancy Vandal, Asteroid B612, Bodyjar, Downtime, Pandols, Tripod Jimmy, Voodoo Lust, Blister, Cult 45, Crusaders, etc…
'Shootin from the hip' was recorded over three days at Damien Gerard studios with Jamie Carter. Mixed in three days at Charring Cross studios and then another day at Turtle Rock by Ric O'neil. The band members have written all ten tracks recorded.
The line up consists of -
Carl Musker - vocals and kinkster
Chris Nacard - guitar and murder
Steve Salecic - bass and diplomacy
Jason Waters - drums and love
Our ambitions are to tour Australia, play festivals, get radio play and eventually tour overseas but so does every other band in the world. Wish us luck!
To contact the band please call Carl Musker on (02) 9981 5171,(02) 9905 7696 or 015 912 338.